Water, Irrigation and Sanitation Cabinet Secretary nominee Eric Muuga has revealed that his net worth is Sh31 million.

Muuga said this is made up of lands, and farming including coffee, tea, bananas and miraa.

Speaking on Friday during his vetting by the Committee on Appointments, Muuga said he does not own a car.

"I have chosen to invest instead of buying a car," he said.

The nominee said he would remain true, in that if offered a car by a water contractor for favors, he will not have it.

Muuga said he is duly registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya as a professional engineer and with the Institution of Engineers of Kenya as a corporate member.

He added that he has a passion for the ministry he is being vetted for.

"During my work activities, I have developed a passion to ensure that every Kenyan in my little spot that I've served so far has access to water which is a human and constitutional right," he said.

Muuga noted that service to his fellow Kenyans is service to God, adding that if given the opportunity, he would do all he can to ensure access to water for all.


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