Information, Communication, and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary nominee William Kabogo was forced to address lingering allegations regarding his alleged involvement in drug trafficking during his vetting by Parliament’s Committee on Appointments.

The dossier, tabled in Parliament in 2010 by former Internal Security Minister George Saitoti, named Kabogo among a group of suspects allegedly linked to the illicit drug trade.

The controversial document resurfaced during Kabogo’s confirmation hearings, sparking questions from Suna East MP Junet Mohammed.

Kabogo firmly rejected the accusations, stating, “I have never dealt with drugs of any kind in my entire life,” further stressing that the dossier was a product of shoddy investigations. “Even if it were to be presented to Inspector Mwala (a local television series), it would not pass,” he added, referencing the light-hearted tone of the popular show known for its crime-solving antics.

The dossier, which was a part of a broader investigation involving several MPs and businessmen, accused Kabogo and others of involvement in the drug trade.

Kabogo, however, maintained that subsequent investigations by government agencies and law enforcement exonerated him from any wrongdoing.

“The police later conducted thorough investigations and produced a report showing I have never been involved as a drug trafficker,” he said.

The controversial dossier gained international attention after it was revealed that it came from the American Embassy, and had been forwarded to the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission.

During the hearings, Speaker Moses Wetang’ula humorously interjected, asking Kabogo whether he had ever dealt with drugs like Panadol, the common painkiller, to which Kabogo responded in jest, “I do not think Junet was talking about Panadol, but if they are the ones he was referring to, I have some in my pocket.”

In 2010, Saitoti sensationally named four MPs as suspected drug traffickers, a move that sparked uproar in Parliament.

Kabogo’s name was among those mentioned, but he has since repeatedly denied the allegations. Reflecting on the situation, Kabogo acknowledged the enduring nature of the claims, saying, “You will still find some of us are named Pablo (Escobar), but the truth is, I did take some people to court and took long, but the matter was settled. It is something I am bound to live with for the rest of my life.”


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