The Pharmacy and Poisons Board has recalled a batch of Sure lubricated condoms because they didn’t meet quality standards.

As a result, the Board is telling Kenyans to stop using these condoms. Sure condoms are given out for free in public hospitals, schools, and health centers as part of a government program aimed at reducing HIV and AIDS and preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In a statement on Wednesday, December 11, the Board said that the sample of the product tested didn’t meet the required quality.

The affected condoms are from Batch Number 2405055. “The Pharmacy and Poisons Board draws public attention to the recall of the substandard sure-lubricated condoms dotted, Batch No. 2405055,” said the statement signed by Dr. Fred Siyoi, the CEO of PPB.

He added, “The product samples did not comply with the specifications for the freedom from holes (conductivity) test performed.” Dr. Siyoi asked all pharmacies, healthcare centers, health workers, and the public to stop distributing, selling, or using these condoms from the affected batch immediately.

He also asked anyone who has these condoms to return them to the nearest health facility or supplier.

Kenya needs about 424 million condoms every year, according to health officials and groups working on sexual health. On average, Kenyan men use only about 14 condoms each year, far below the recommended 40.


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