Political activist Booker Omole has recounted a harrowing encounter with armed intruders who accessed his home on Saturday night.

“Eight men were here. That’s when I fired three shots-two in the air and one that hit one of them,” Omole recalled.

The incident began as a minor commotion but quickly escalated into a terrifying ordeal. Omole says he first heard noise around 3 a.m. but ignored it.

Minutes later, a scream-one he recognized as his relative Yvonne’s-alerted him to danger.

“I went for my firearm, which was next to my bed,and rushed to the door,” said Omole.

He encountered the attackers, who had already taken his relative captive and pushed her into his bedroom.

Acting quickly, the licensed gun holder opened fire to defend himself.

“They were dressed in police combat geir, but they all wore red marvins. One man tried to blind me with a torch. It all happened in less than 10seconds before l fired the first shot,” he explained.

Broken windows at the scene bore evidence of the chaos as the attackers fled.

omole has since reported the incident to Mlolongo Police Station.

He believes the attack may be linked to his activism on governance issues.

Hours before the attack, he had participated in a Twitter Space discussing recent abductions in the country.

“l’ve received threatening phone calls and warnings, even in WhatsApp groups. When we began advocating for accountability, somepeople were unhappy with what we were saying,”Omole said.

Machakos Police Commander Patrick Lobolia confirmed the incident is being treated as anattempted robbery.

Investigators recovered two spent cartridges and a red marvin from the scene, and Omole’s firearm has been taken for ballistic examination.


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