Reckless Matatu Drivers on Viral Video Fined Sh50K

The two matatus were impounded after a video went viral.

The drivers of two infamous public service vehicles impounded on Thursday for violating traffic laws were brought before Kibera Law Courts in Nairobi today.

John Mwangi and Dominic Amaya both pleaded guilty to charges of operating unroadworthy vehicles.

Each driver was fined Sh50,000 or risk facing a six-month jail term. The vehicles, registered as KDG 195K and KDQ 111T, have been sent to the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) for re-inspection and re-authorization.

The two matatus, which operate along the Nairobi-Rongai route, were impounded after a viral video surfaced showing passengers dangerously hanging from the rooftops.

The two drivers were fined Sh50, 000 each.

The violations also included distracting TV screens, faulty brakes, tinted windscreens, and unauthorized lights.

The legal action follows a widely circulated video from Wednesday, which depicted the matatus being driven recklessly with passengers riding perilously on top of the vehicles.


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